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UberTuber is a little application to downalod videos from the Internet. To do this, the app using a python script.
1. Installation

To install UberTuber is easy:
- First download the program package from Haikuware and unpack it.
- Then open the unpacked UberTuber folder and execute the program binary.
* The program check up his program folder position on the system automatically, so you can run it from every position there you copy it.

When you start up the program, it check if phyton is already installed. If python does not is installed on the system you will see a dialog window with the order to install python.
2. Settings

2.1 Auto-play
If this options is activated, the program open the video file after completing the download.
2.2 Remove temporary files on quit
If this option is activated the program removes all stored temporary video files, before quitting the program.
2.3 Update download script
Select this option to update the python script.
3. Using
3.1 Download video

Visit the website with the video of your choice and copy the file address using the right mouse menu or the shortcut Alt+C.
Following sites are supported:
- - YouTube
- - Google video
- - MetaCafe
- - DailyMotion
- - Yahoo video
- - Photobucket
- - DepositFiles
- - Vimeo.com
- - blip.tv
- - Facebook video
- - Escapist magazine
3.2 Starting the download

Start UberTuber and add the file address into the text field at "URL:". Here use again the right mouse menu or the shortcut Alt+V.
Now you can choose between two options. Playing the video or save them to the harddisk.
3.2.1 Play video
To play the video select "Play". The program download the video data into the memory and play it.
3.2.2 Save file to harddisk

To save the video on your harddisk select "Save As...". Select the target folder and press on "Save" to download the video.

Now you can see in the program folder that the videos is downloading ("Downloading...").
3.3 Download complete

After the video download is already completed, the program copy the video from the temporary folder into the target folder.
4. Watching the video

Now you can play the video file doing a double click on the video file.
Made available by BeSly, the Haiku knowledge base.
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