About this program
Do you know the problem, some one ported a program to Haiku, but nowhere describes how he has done this and what problems he had to deal?
Right here we want to start, we want to collect this informations and make them available to the community.
We hope that many of these informations by developers and porters are sent to us, so we can store them here.
- Installation
- Create a new Log-File
- Open a Log-File
- Remove a Log-File
- Update Log-Files
- Sending your Log-Files to BeSly
To install BuildLOG take it from our download site.
- Have you downloaded the program as a ZIP-archive, unpack it to a place of your choice and starting it by double-clicking the program file.
- Open the HPKG file (Haiku Package File) with a double click.
- Select "Install" to install the program.
- BuildLOG can also be conveniently installed on "HaikuDepot". In addition, our "software repository server" must contained in "HaikuDepot".
To add our server in HaikuDepot, open a terminal and enter the following command:pkgman add-repo http://software.besly.de/repo
Now, "BeSly Software Solutions" listed in the dropdown list for the repository server.
Enter into the search line "buildlog" and choose the appropriate program from the list. Press here as in the HPKG installation on "Install" and buildLOG will be installed. - Select "Install" to install the program.
If you have installed buildLOG from a HKKG-file the program is selectable over the "Application" menu.
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Create a new Log-File
To add a new Log into the database, open the "App" menu and select "New".

Add all informations you have about the compiled program into the text fields. The "Application Name" is also the name for the "Log" in the project list.

If you want to add the libraries, the program needs to run, BuilLOG comes with a tool to catch and add them.
Select in the "Tools" menu, at "Dependencies" the option "Get Needed Libs".

In the dialog box select "Browse"-...

...browse to the compiled binary and select it.

The tool add the needed libaries into the text field "Dependencies".

Then you can save your LOG file using the button "Save Log-File".
If the Log-Name already exisits, you get a message to manage this:

Open a Log-File
To open an exisiting Log-File do a double click on it in the Logs list.

Remove a Log-File
To remove a Log file from the list, select the file and then use the "Delete" button.
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To update the LOGs-database, go to the "Tools" menu and select "Update Database".

If there is no newer version of the database available, this is indicated by an information.

If a newer version of the database available, select in the information window "Update". Then, the latest version will be downloaded and installed. Once the information window is closed, the database is updated.
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If after updating the database, no new LOG-files are displayed, restart the program. |
Sending your Log-Files to BeSly

This project only make sense if people send us there log-files, so we can them offer over ower update system.
Ti send us your log-files, select in the "App" menu "Send User Logs to BeSly".

Your log-files will be automatically packaged into a zip archive and inserted into a pre-Mail. Have you allready created a user account in Haikus mail program, you can send the log-files by selecting "send".
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Made available by BeSly, the Haiku knowledge base.