First we need to start Vision, you can find it at Software/Internet/Vision.

In Vision we select Network Setup....

Select at Network Details in the dorp down menu add new.
In the new window we give our configuration a name (here
We select Change servers... in order to setup a IRC connection. You get a new window with the name Servers.

Here we select Add... and get a other new window. In this window we enter the IRC address and the port for it.

The server address is and the port 6665. Enter a User Passwort if the server need it. To activate this option you need to switch the checkbox to ON.

Close the Servers window with using the OK button.
Finaly we need to setup the identification of the user. This informations we add in the Network Setup window at Personal Details.

We select Add... and get a new window. In this window we enter a Nickname, the name seen from the other users. You need to enter your name at Real name and Ident too.
If you wish that Vision connect to the server at startup automaticly switch the checkbox at Connect to this network when Vision starts up to ON.

Now you can connect to the IRC Network selecting at Network you irc server (here and press Connect.
This opens the Vision chat window.

Wait a moment for ending connecting to the server, then enter /join #haiku in order to connect to the Haiku Channel in this network.
You see in the screenshots the IRC network This network is the old place for the most beos channels. Any time the servers changed to the network, so the tutorial are changed to this server too.
If you use a router you need to enter at NAT / Virtual Server your IP address and change the port to 113 (TCP).
Tutorial by Christian Albrecht (Lelldorin) Januar 2005
Make available by BeSly, the Haiku knowledge base.