If you compile the game by yourself, it will be installed during the compiling process. Here you only need to create a shortcut to the application menu.
You can also download the game finished compiles to install. I recommend my compiled version of Crimson Fileds. You can donwload it from Haikuware.
Along with the game I have attached an install script which installs the game and creates a link into the application menu, depending by the system (alpha3, alpha4).
Unzip the downloaded package and then run Install.sh...
...You will then be prompted to choose the system on which you want to install...
...and what gcc version you want to install.
The installation is now completed and you can start Crimson Fields via the application menu.
Tutorial by Christian Albrecht, March 2014
Made available by BeSly, the Haiku, BeOS and Zeta knowledge base.